- First things first: If you find any downed power lines, steer clear and notify the power company immediately! (I know everyone knows this, it’s like the scissor running thing, but I felt compelled to say it anyway...).
- Do not use a chainsaw simply because you have one. Although they are extremely useful tools, they are also extremely dangerous. If you haven’t been trained, or are not familiar with it, ask someone for help (there is no shame in it) or use a handsaw.
- If your going to remove a tree or large limb, be sure there are no power lines, property, or people that may interfere (not including your mother-in-law) with its safe removal.
- If you have to leave the ground to make the cut, and are not properly trained... STOP! Call a professional.
- Take the time and assess the situation. Imagine the worst case scenario. What would happen? What would you do? Are you alone? Did you leave yourself an "out"?
We all want our property to look good (or at least slightly better than our neighbors). Trees are beautiful miracles of nature. They provide us with beauty, protection, and lots of leaves to rake in the fall. If you have any doubts regarding safety, consider hiring a professional. Your family wants you around and so do we. Besides, trees are much more enjoyable from above the soil line...